“Put Down The Guns and Pick Up An Instrument “

-Carol Faulkner, Founder and CEO

The Community Unity Music Festival of CultureTrust Greater Philadelphia promotes violence prevention through the alternative of music education; while creating a bridge that makes world-class art accessible. As we progress through our operating year, several events take place. We provide classes with some of the world's most celebrated musicians and technicians, engineers, stage managers, managers, publicists, and many other positions behind the scenes. These opportunities offer a view of what is possible as a professional in the music world. In addition to the classes, students are eligible for scholarships to study at the premier private music schools in Philadelphia (The Clef Club of Jazz and Performing Arts and The Settlement Music School, and more.). Finally, we provide the necessary instruments for the students as well through our instrument drive.

Lastly, our culminating festival takes place in Clark Park in August. This day is what we consider the day of celebration for our community. Many of the beloved food vendors of our city set up around the park as we love to support local entrepreneurs. At the same time, musicians from Philadelphia and across the world provide an artistic, cultural experience that is priceless in value and quite inspiring for our youth. We also have resources to bring awareness to gun violence prevention. The Philadelphia Sheriff’s Office and the Gun Lock Program pass out free gunlocks on-site. Our City Council, State Representatives, and Senators speak about the community and their vision for a better future. TD Bank, a community partner, also offers financial literacy literature and incentives for new account creation. Our goal is to connect our community members to resources that are vital and often times overlooked.

Artist - Community Chats, Masterclasses, motivational and informational classes given by masters of a specific artistic medium, are offered yearly by world-renowned artists. The classes will be free of charge for students throughout the year, and we will provide funding for private music instruction at the Clef Club. We will also offer scholarships and financial assistance for students involved in group drum lessons, dance classes, band masterclasses, trade tutorials, and many other organized seminars/clinics. At the CUMF, we believe it is vital that young people hear community leaders. Our goal is to assist in the process of helping "the village" to produce critical thinking, discerning, and influential members of society. Our leaders in City Hall and local officials will also speak at our events to instill the importance of our community's civil and civic responsibilities.

Philadelphia has always had a place in the conversation of music history. West Philadelphia has produced some of the world's greatest artists and continues to be a haven of artistic excellence. From Questlove of the Roots, Will Smith, Stanley Clarke, and Christian McBride to Justin Faulkner and Nazir Ebo, West Philadelphia continues to put our city on the pop and artistic culture map. Unfortunately, most of the arts programs in our neighborhood schools have been underfunded and drastically downgraded in the last ten years. Some families don't have the financial means to provide their children with proper education or cultural experiences. The result? Violence and illegal activity become an outlet rather than exposure to culture and opportunities to develop and have the childhood they deserve. Our festival encourages the young people of our communities to submerge themselves in the arts, which will help provide a world view instead of a corner view. Our job is to provide an alternative that can turn into a complete life change and, if pursued, a life-affirming and fulfilling career.

Our festival activates neighborhoods with high-quality artistic activities across a diverse spectrum of creative disciplines. Young people are be exposed to world-class artistry directly and indirectly. In the past eight years, French Pianist/Composer Jacky Terrasson, five-time Grammy Award Winner Branford Marsalis, and Legendary Bassist/Artist Bootsy Collins have performed and provided motivational masterclasses for our students and members of the community. Through these encounters, students and community members will better understand the vital importance of playing your role in the grand scheme of life and the beauty of interdependence in our community.